Same guy as below... it was tough settling on an angle to work on him from. I'm still not even sure if this was the right choice, but time to walk away from it. I shot a bunch of photos of smoke specifically for this image that I comped in Photoshop... and now I am a big fan of smoke photos. They're purty.
Happy New Year to all... Here's a quick photoshop study of a new zbrush sculpt. Still playing around with it so I'll probably have other images with this guy as he progresses.
Here's a new unfinished(?) image 'Smile'... I got to this point after a couple evenings and haven't had time to get back to it. Its tough to have fun making an image, but then have a week go by with not one second to work on it anymore! So for now, I thought I would post it here. It is based on another one of the sketches below. Maya/Zbrush/Photoshop.